We were graciously hosted by Mary Homola (and Fr Joe Clifford in absentia) and St Thomas More Catholic Church to discuss “Closeness To God”, a subject that brought us all closer together, as it turned out!

“‘For in God we live and move and have our being.'” – Acts 17:24
“To a Sufi, God and man are not two; the Sufi does not consider God as separate from himself.” – Inayat Khan
Joined by over 30 people from 5 congregations, a lively discussion of scripture and perspective was led off by Rev. Elizabeth Thompson of Unity of Sarasota, Chris Miller of the Abrahamic Reunion, Mary Homola, Rabbi Michael Werbow of Temple Beth Sholom, and Shahabuddin David Less of Rising Tide International.
“This is the line of Noah. Noah was a righteous man; he was blameless in his age; Noah walked with God.” – Genesis 6:9
“God is closer to you than your jugular vein” – Quran
Participants shared what brought them closer to God/ Source / The Divine, while the scriptures further illumined how emphasized being close to God is in the Psalms, the Torah, the Sufi teachings, and the New Testament.
Next Abrahamic Reunion Sarasota Interfaith Text  Study Circle: Dec 1st. 3-5pm at Temple Beth-Sholom

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