A message from Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, AR International Director, and David Less, AR USA Chairman, about the attack yesterday March 28th, 2021, that sent Imam Khalil Albaz to the ICU yesterday.

Khalil was accosted while alone as the last person, closing up the Mosque in Tel Sheva, Israel.

Text of the Videos:

From Sheikh Ghassan Manasra:

Today I would like to inform you, to tell you about one of our great peacemakers and one of the great leaders, he is the Chairman of the Abrahamic Reunion in Israel, Khalil Albaz.

Last night he faced the radicals, they stabbed him when he was on his way out of the mosque that he is leading in Tel Sheva in Israel, the Negev.

I would like to tell you that all of our peacemakers in the Holy Land, they work for not only the Palestinians and the Israelis, they work for all of the world, all of the people all around the world.

This is the time to support them, to be with them, and to try to feel their pain, and their life.

We would like to ask you to pray for him today, because he is in the hospital, his situation is not so easy.

And to try to feel from your rational side sometimes also, not only emotional side, as many people doing all around the world, we need your emotional side, we need your rational side, but this time we need your rational side, we need your support for them, for Abrahamic Reunion.

This is our life.

I’m Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, from Nazareth, Northern Israel, I’m the International Director of Abrahamic Reunion. I faced all these challenges all of my life, and all of the peacemakers in the Holy Land are facing the same challenges, every day. 

We need you, and we need your support, and we need the truth and the right, and we need to bring light and peace to this world.

Thank you, and salaam alaykum.

Sheikh Ghassan Manasra

From David Less:

Hi Dear Friends,

I want to talk to you about what it’s like to represent peace in this world.

It’s not easy, especially in the Middle East.  It’s a difficult time, and there’s a lot of tension, a lot of factors contributing to tension, and one of our founders, one of our members, one of our great spokespeople, Imam Khalil Albaz in Tel Sheva in Israel, in the Negev, last night was coming out of the mosque where he is the Imam, he was the last one out as he usually does to close it up, and he was accosted by a group of radical Muslims and he was attacked and he was stabbed five times.

Many of you have seen Khalil at the Parliament of the World’s Religions with his wife Sana where they were representing love, and harmony, and most importantly, peace.

And fortunately he’s alive, he’s in the hospital, and sure it’s difficult, but he’s going to make it.

Peacemaking, peacebuilding is not easy, and many of our members are on the front lines diminishing anger, diminishing hate, practicing forgiveness, but it’s dangerous, and I and we are asking you to pray for Khalil and all of our members who are there representing an ideal, an ideal that must be upheld so the real meaning of peace can be experienced there.

And what happens there, frankly, affects the world. So pray for the world, pray for the workers of the Abrahamic Reunion who are on the ground facing danger all the time. We had another incident just a few months ago where fortunately Abed, our director in Israel, was able to escape from an armed group, a group with guns. Sometimes it’s better to share the burden, and I guess that’s what I’m doing here.

Thank you, support us with with prayer, with love, with good words, as well as financial support of course but really this is real, not some notion, this is real, the struggle for peace is real, so thank you, bye bye.

David Less