International Donations: Click Here





Together we are showing the world

that Peace Is Possible. 


Other Ways to Donate

  • Check: Make checks out to “Abrahamic Reunion” and email [email protected] for mailing address.
  • Phone, or for support please call +1 (941) 993-9994
  • Bank Transfer donations are accepted using the main donation link above form (choose ACH) or by contacting us.

Thank you for your support of our mission during this unprecedented time. 

The Peacemakers of the Abrahamic Reunion are completely funded by individuals who are passionate about supporting interfaith dialogue, community peacebuilding, and spirituality’s role in the peace movement in the Holy Land.

Each year, the Abrahamic Reunion brings together thousands of people in the Holy Land through unique Multifaith Journeys, ongoing text-study meetings, energizing Peace Summits, and interfaith holiday celebrations of unity.

These events give people in Israel and Palestine the tangible experience of cultural, ethnic, political, gendered, and religious walls dissolving into a sense of friendship, connection, and family — that’s the reunion.

The Abrahamic Reunion is growing the roots that exemplify and will one day support a coexistent Holy Land society, one that centers the Abrahamic values of compassion and care for the other and the stranger — and your support helps the Abrahamic Reunion grow.

Thank you ~ Toda ~ Shukran

The Abrahamic Reunion is a 501c3 Non-profit registered in the United States, and all donations are tax deductible.

To Give by Credit or Debit Card please click the donate button above, International Cards Accepted.

Please call 941-993-9994 if you have any issues with processing, or write to [email protected]
