Jun 11, 2024

Temple Adath Or Hosts AR, Sheikh Ghassan for Online Wisdom Class: “Looking to the Future”

Sheikh Ghassan Manasra spoke at the Ft. Lauderdale synagogue this past May 17th and on Zoom May 22nd, 2024, for Q&A, text study, and discussion of the situation.

The documentary on Elias Jabbour was screened, and Ted Brownstein, co-host of the meeting, remarked that, “Many people were surprised to learn about a Palestinian kid that went to Hebrew University and learned Yiddish – the movie really connected well with a lot of different groups, and opened eyes to the interconnections.” 

Opening Interview Excerpt from the video: 

Q: Do you have hope for a brighter future in the Holy Land?

A: Sheikh Ghassan: “I am very tired, I am sad. But, I am so strong, and I am full of hope. The meaning, when we are in peace-time, mostly we can say, everything is going well, so great. But in the hard time, you must activate your value within you, you must activate hope, more than any time else. I am full of hope. I am ready, all the time. Even if you are tired, or sad, I am very ready to do my job, to do my work, to bring the people to be together.”

Watch the full recording on Rabbi Marc Labowitz’s Facebook Page.

“Looking to the Future,” Wisdom Class with Temple Adath Or, May 22nd, 2024

With Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, AR International Director, Ted Brownstein, AR Board Member and Temple Adath Or member, and participants.

Thanks to Rabbi Marc Labowitz, and the TAO community for inviting Abrahamic Reunion to be with you to build bridges and connections of the heart and of peace and of understanding!

? Peace ? Salam ? Shalom ? and lots of Hope ???

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