To make peace in the Holy Land’s complex mixture of culture, history, politics, and religion, each peacemaker must navigate many nuances and subtle complexities every day to do the work of building bridges of hope, trust, and connection.
Join us for three special programs where you’ll get to hear the personal stories and perspectives of Ordained, Female, and Youth Peacemakers of the Holy Land – Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Samaritan, and Druze – interviewed and hosted by Sheikh Ghassan Manasra and the Abrahamic Reunion.
More information to be announced soon.
Contact: [email protected]
Muslim youth peacebuilder from East Jerusalem who is the head volunteer for the Abrahamic Reunion in Israel. She is a physiotherapist and believes in diversity, exploring and knowing new and different cultures, and is passionate about exploration and adventure.
My name is Dvir Warshavsky, and I’m 25 years old. I live in the Negev desert, in a small town called Yeruham. In recent years, I have been active in promoting cooperation between Jews and Muslims, especially between the Bedouin communities and the Jews of the Negev. I am also a student for MA government in IDC Herzliya, and I hope to make an impact in the field of coexistence in the Negev.I believe that peace is the most complex issue I can imagine, but also the simplest thing in the world. A place where there is peace, seems to me like a person who has woken from a deep sleep.
Druze youth peacebuilder from Daliat al-Carmel, Israel. Hala graduated High School last year, and has served in the National Service since childhood. She has been active in peacebuilding with her mother, AR Co-Founder Siham Halabi, and with the Abrahamic Reunion.
Is an Armenian Christian youth peacebuilder from East Jerusalem, who helps the AR as a translator for many events, and is a longtime participant in the Abrahamic Reunion. Studied for an MSc in Human Rights from London School of Economics and Political Sciences, and has worked in projects helping Palestinian and Syrian refugees.
Remon Sabbagh
Remon is a Christian Palestinian from Ramallah. He is studying Political Science and International Relations in Bir Zeit University, and is one of the members and founders of the Greek Catholic Youth Movement in Ramallah. He is engaged in the peace and cultural activities movements, and is a musician.