Peacemakers from the Abrahamic Reunion attended the fourth annual ‘Jerusalem Hug’ event on June 21st, 2010. It brought together hundreds of Israelis, Palestinians and international supporters to unite the ‘lovers of Jerusalem’. Two separate groups started with circles at Jaffa Gate, and ‘shuk il-Falahin’ above Damascus Gate. Everyone then met together for a prayer gathering at Damascus Gate and closed with a drum circle at ‘Kikar Tzahal’, the area at the top of the Old City.

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Ibrahim speaks

Ibrahim speaks

Hands held in a prayer for peace

Hands held in a prayer for peace

Ibrahim and an Israeli soldier talk with each other

Ibrahim and an Israeli soldier talk with each other

People gather together for peace

People gather together at Damascus Gate

Eliyahu addresses the crowd at Damascus Gate

Eliyahu addresses the crowd at Damascus Gate

The closing circle of the fourth Jerusalem Hug