Feb 13, 2020

News about the Abrahamic Reunion’s wonderful events is spreading in Palestine.

On October 30, Mohammad Jamous, the Abrahamic Reunion’s Palestinian Director traveled two hours to the Palestinian town of Zababdeh with 35 Christians and 30 Muslims.

In Zababdeh Mohammed and his group were met by their host, Issa Awwad, the President of Zababdeh Charitable Society, and eminent members of Zababdeh’s municipality, the town’s clergy, representatives from Zababdeh’s education system, and even more participants from Zababdeh and the surrounding villages. All were eager to join in this exciting event.

After Mohammad introduced himself and explained the Abrahamic Reunion’s work, Sheikh Jasser Nairat, Zababdeh’s new Imam, spoke about Islam’s tolerance for all religions and cultures, saying, “Everyone has descended from one soul.”  He quoted the Qur’an, which says: “O people, fear your Lord who created you from one breath” (An-Nisa ‘1)

Father Firas Diab, Zababdeh’s Greek Catholic Priest, explained the importance of interfaith dialogue by reminding the audience that this small region is sacred to all of the world’s monotheistic religions, it is the place where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac, it is birthplace of Jesus, and the place where Mohammed ascended to heaven. It is where the followers of these faiths have lived side by side for centuries, and where they are destined to build their future.

Rami Daabes spoke on behalf of Zababdeh’s mayor and the town’s municipality, explaining that Palestinian governments recognize that religious tolerance, interfaith dialogue and coexistence are basic necessities for peace in Palestine. 

Abdullah Sharif, a Christian cleric, thanked the Abrahamic Reunion for its work and reminded everyone that interfaith dialogue is not limited to discussing the principles of each religion, it also combats social inequality and safeguards the dignity and rights of the interlocutors and their communities.

Speaking as the retired principal of Raba Secondary School for Girls in Zababde, Mrs. Basima Isaid explained that multi-faith meetings, workshops and summer camps are desperately needed for Palestinian youth and asked the Abrahamic Reunion to support more programs for them.

After the presentations, the assembly broke into groups to read and discuss religious texts urging love, tolerance, respect and peace for people of all faiths. Everyone spoke as if they were one family, telling stories, explaining their cultures, sharing their experiences, and expressing love and respect for each other.  In the end Muslim and Christian, men and women summarized each group’s discussion for the entire assembly.

Then the group shared a meal together and the guests expressed gratitude for these Abrahamic Reunion events.  As they said, “Goodbye”, they hoped they would meet again at a future Abrahamic Reunion event.

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Mohamad Jamous is the Programs Director in Palestine for the Abrahamic Reunion.

He can be reached at mohamad@abrahamicreunion.org