Hi Everybody, I’m David Less and I’m Chairman of the Board.

I want to wish everybody a happy holiday season, and I want to reaffirm that there are people who are not having a happy holiday season.

There’s still violence in the Middle East, there’s still difficulties, and there’s still this continued thought that, ‘oh, peace isn’t possible, there can never be peace here.’

Well let me tell you, in the last year, the last year and a half, we really have affected things quietly and outwardly and people are beginning to believe and understand that peace is possible.

So we’ve made that our theme for the next year to overcome this idea, “Oh, it’s always been this way,” – it hasn’t, and it doesn’t have to be. What’s needed is to keep bringing people together, helping people understand that this other person, regardless of their religion or their culture in so many ways is just like me.

And so our work and our plea for this year is for you to support us so that we can continue this work. It’s not glamorous but it’s effective, and we really, really, need your help to keep going.

We have a lot of young people working with us, we have families, we have teachers, we have people in many different professions and different religious ideas and ideals, but we’re working together.

So thank you, please help us again, peace is possible.

David Less

Co-Founder of the Abrahamic Reunion

Chairman of the Abrahamic Reunion USA