Personal Statement

As a peacemaker from the Holy Land, I believe that all people around the world from all religions are equal and must continue as partners and colleagues together to build a world of peace, harmony, and humanity. For the last 20 years, I have taught at conferences and events in the Holy Land, and traveled internationally lecturing on Islam, Peacemaking, Interfaith, and Multifaith.


  • Fulbright Scholar: Interfaith Community Action Fellowship (2008),
  • B.A., Islamic, Middle Eastern Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (2007),
  • Certificate Islamic Religious Family Court Law, Beit Berl College (2002)
  • Skill Course in Facilitating Groups In Conflict, Zippori School for Facilitators, Jerusalem (2002)

Sufi Education & Accolades:

  • 2014 Outstanding Leader in Interreligious Dialogue Award from the Dialogue Institute of Temple University
  • Appointed Global Head of Tarikat As Salaam Qadiri Sufi Order, 2014
  • Protégé study as successor to Abdel Salaam Manasra, of the Tarikat As Salaam Qadiri Sufi Order in the Holy Land, 1995-2014
  • Protégé study as successor to Muhammad Hashem al-Baghdadi, Global Head of the Qadiri Sufi Order, 1987-1995
  • These studies include: Qu’ran, Theology, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Comparative Religion, Meditation & Retreat, Advanced Arabic, Poetry

Representative Employment & Activities Sample:

2014 – Present: International Executive Director, Abrahamic Reunion

2008 – Present: International Chair, Middle East Civic Forum

2008 – Present: Peacemakers Steering Committee, Abrahamic Reunion

2007 – Present: Board of Directors, Sulha Peace Project

2004 – Present: Director, Anwar Il-Salaam (Lights Of Peace Center), Nazareth

2004 – 2006: Muslim Coordinator, Mosaica Center for Religion, Society, and State

2002 – 2005: Coordinator & Facilitator, Yesodot Institute for Judaism & Democracy

2000 – Present: Cofounder & Teacher, Abraham’s Way

2000 – Present: Traveling Historical Lecturer – Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan

Selected Lecturing History: 

Ghassan Manasra has lectured internationally (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Egypt, Canada) in numerous Universities, Conferences, Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, and places of Government for the last 20 years.

Cornell University, University of Cambridge, North American Imam’s Federation Annual Conference, Illinois State University, American University, Parliament Of The World’s Religions, Ryerson University, Yale University, University of Oregon, UC Santa Barbara, Evergreen College, Temple University, St. Joseph’s University, Catholic University (Rome, Italy), UC Santa Cruz.

Notable Meetings: 

Mr Tony Blair July 2010

Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish PM, June 2010

Nikola Gruevski, Macedonian PM, 2010

George Mitchell, US Special Envoy to the Middle East, 2009

Robin Scott, Australian Minister for Finance & Multicultural Affairs, 2015

Bill Morneau, Canadian Minister of Economy, 2015

Mr. Hermes, 2013

Selected Bibliography 

Coexistence and Reconciliation In Israel: Voices For Interreligious Dialogue, Edited by Rabbi Ronald Kronish, Stimulus Books. (2015). One article contributed by Sheikh Ghassan Manasra

Light upon Light, A Journey With the Sufis. Manasra, Ghassan., Ben Arie, Z. Inbar Publications. (2006). This is the first book written in Hebrew about the contemporary history of Sufism in the Holy Land.

Further details, references, or expanded list of qualifications by request.

Contact Ghassan

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