On October 24 and 25thth, 2024, Abed Manasra, AR Israeli Programs Director and Rising Tide International Interfaith Lecturer, traveled to Lake Worth, FL, to participate in an interfaith Sukkot program with Lake Worth Interfaith Network, and Tea on the Terrace, the following day.
Sukkot is the Jewish feast of booths, commemorating the exodus from Egypt, and the temporary shelters (tents, or booths) which were constructed in the wilderness en route.
Speaking & Event Availability: If you are interested in bringing Abed, his oud music, prayers for peace, and AR programs to your community, please contact [email protected] for details for the remainder of 2024 and now into 2025.
“The next stage requires work, zeal, faith, and hope,” Blog from Abed Manasra
LAKE WORTH, Florida.
First, I would like to start with a special and deep thanks from the bottom of my heart to my dear Ted and his wife Christine for their great generosity, their hospitality, and for this wonderful, important opportunity they offered me, both at the church and at home. I also thank Ted for all his work, determination, and persistence in spreading love and peace, for all his efforts to raise awareness, and for his dedication to learning, reading, and writing. Truly, I thank you both from the depths of my heart.

Longtime friend of the AR, Rabbi Marc Labowitz, of Temple Adath Or, joined to speak at the Interfaith Sukkot.
On the first day, it was an amazing experience and a very beautiful encounter. Every year, I am invited to participate in Sukkot in several places, which allows us to create a beautiful connetion that encompasses all backgrounds. We get to know each other, learn, and listen to the opinions that shape the fabric of society and embody the true meaning of coexistence, far removed from grudges, hatred, and enmity. It reflects the core meaning and beauty of true diversity, the way God created the universe. He created us differently for a reason—not for us to compete in our humanity, but it is God who elevates us by our closeness to Him and our obedience to His commands of love and peace. We understand the true purpose of diversity and the real meaning of being servants of God, carrying the responsibility to spread love.
That night held many dimensions. First, getting to know each other is an application of God’s teachings. Secondly, learning and listening allows us to expand our knowledge and make comparisons, until we find that what unites us can build a community founded on respect and freedom, breaking down class distinctions, superiority, and arrogance, and shattering the barriers of isolation and seclusion. We listened to prayers and music, which served as nourishment for the soul. The best part was that everyone present agreed on the need to stop the bloodshed in the Holy Land and worldwide, and to reject violence from all sides.
After this enriching gathering, we returned to dear Ted’s home, where we continued our engaging conversation, shared some religious stories and texts, and enjoyed some ice cream.

Abed (Middle) with AR and LWIN Board Member Ted Brownstein (right) and Lake Worth City Commissioner, Chris McVoy
The next day, Ted and Christine prepared their home for an enjoyable and beautiful gathering that lasted for more than two hours, “Tea on the Terrace”. There were 11 people present, all interested in hearing the story of our work and what we do in the association through our programs and efforts toward comprehensive peace in the Holy Land. I shared many stories, events, lessons, and experiences from it all, and most importantly, our hope and preparation for the future, as well as the importance of the support we need in all fields. Of course, our brother Ted enriched the discussion circle and added many important insights.

David Hall, LWIN President, welcomes Abed, with St. Andrew’s rector, The Very Reverend Corinna “Cori” Olson
The truth is that everyone expressed their appreciation for the journey, it was a remarkable trip. Even on the way, between the trees and lakes, I had a chance to reflect, pray, and retreat to reorganize my thoughts, rekindle my enthusiasm, deepen my faith in hope in God, and move forward. The next stage requires work, zeal, faith, and hope, and together, as a family that believes in all these values, we can raise many people to higher levels.
Once again, I thank you from the depths of my heart for your support, generosity, and warm hospitality.
With love and hope,
Abed Alsalam Manasra
Speaking & Event Availability:
If you are interested in bringing Abed, his oud music, prayers for peace, and AR programs to your community, please contact [email protected] for details.