We’re glad to introduce the new board of the AR in Germany. Sarah & Bjoern Rech, who graciously responded for an interview to get to know them better. Thanks, Sarah and Bjoern, for volunteering your time, energy, and spirit for peace!

Sarah Rech
I was born in 1966 in Trier in western Germany. After finishing school I studied music and German and married Björn in 1993. Since 2000 we are parents of a wonderful daughter and live in a small town called Wetzlar in the middle of Germany. I work as a music and German teacher at a large grammar school and work part-time as a psychotherapist and school counsellor. In my free time, I love to sing, dance, play the piano, be in nature and with friends.

Bjoern Rech
I was born in 1965 in Koblenz, a town in the middle of Germany. I met my wife Sarah already in 1985 at our school and we’re married since 1993. We got a wonderful daughter in 2000 and today we live in Wetzlar, a small town in one hour distance to the famous Rhine river. In my first career I studied mechanical engineering and worked twenty years for a company selling steel products around the world. In 2015 I stopped this and started a new career as psychotherapist and coach for individuals and couples, which is real peace work every day and I like it very much. In my free time I play the flute, sail, hike, ride a bike and love a cappuccino with good friends in the market square of our city.
Interview: Sarah & Bjoern
AR: How long have you been involved with the AR?
Sarah: I have been a member of the AR for about six years.
Bjoern: Since 2016/17, when I first time joined a trip with Shahabuddin to Israel
Can you briefly share a favorite moment or inspirational memory about AR?
Sarah: Two experiences particularly inspired me: A trip with the Sufi choir to Israel, where we performed the Mass in B minor by J. S. Bach and learned a lot about the country and the people there. In addition, I was deeply impressed by a weekend visit by five peacemakers who were on a tour of Germany and whom we were allowed to host in our house.
Bjoern: Being in Hebron we’ve joined two different guiding tours. One was led by an Israeli and the other by a Palastinian. It was eye-opening to get two very reasonable perspectives of the same history but totally different points of view.
Why did you join the Board?
Sarah: I joined the board because I am convinced that Björn and I work well together and can therefore make a difference for AR.
Bjoern: I have experienced that the AR is doing a wonderful work with wonderful people and I want to contribute to this together with Sarah.
What is the response to the AR’s work in Germany?
Bjoern: Unfortunately, the response in Germany is suffering because of two totally different situations. First of all, of course the pandemic, which made it impossible to meet people at a larger scale and the second is a very specific situation. The German AR is facing huge problems with tax authorities which can be very costly. But we both really want to take AR further forward and are a planning a re-start in communication and activities.
Why do you believe that Peace is Possible?
Bjoern: It’s my deepest conviction and my experience that peace is possible, the only question is: When this will happen for the world? Because you can see it happens every day in many countries, many families and many neighborhoods.
Sarah: Even as a teenager I was active in the German peace movement and am convinced that this work is still bearing fruit today. As a teacher, I experience daily quarrels and struggles, but also that this can be transformed into mutual respect through joint work on the problems. In addition, I believe that peace is possible, as I have personally experienced that through forgiveness one’s own life can change for the better.
Any other comments or something you’d like to say?
We both would like urgently to call on the AR Germany to donate so that we can cope well with the tax problems. You can do this via Paypal to: [email protected]