Part of the wisdom of God in creating humanity was to make life in stages and stations. In every step that a person goes through, he gains knowledge and experience to refine his personality and create an approach to his life. Still, the first stages are the basics and have the most significant impact on forming the human lifestyle and each one’s method and manner of dealing in life.
Youth is the essential stage in forming a human personality, in terms of going through practical experiences. It is also the most physically vital stage. At this stage the human being has, for the first time, the strength to depend on themselves to make their decisions by themself, venturing towards knowledge with aroused curiosity. These are beautiful features of youthfulness, but dangerous at the same time. That is, if not directed in the right way, they will become either:
- The silent, unpretentious, and unaware majority. This is the largest group working hard to direct itself toward knowledge and culture, and to not be weak and exploited with scattered rights.
- Activists in the humanitarian work for peace, love, respect, and the preservation of pluralism and freedom of opinion – It is this segment that we produce and work with for a safer future.
- A force exploited by groups that possess destructive ideas that invite intellectual and practical terror. It is this force that we resist with love and peace. We are trying very hard to keep these exploited people away because we believe that these people are under the influence of extremist ideologies that work to mislead and exploit religious sentiments to incite discord.

Taking responsibility to direct youth to the path of peace
We believe in the Abrahamic Reunion that every passionate person believes in freedom and lives with dignity, and respects humanity and works to build a prosperous future to feel safe and stable. Therefore, we must extend a hand of help and assistance in all available ways to all segments of the population in order to offer educational awareness and guidance programs that bring the different groups back together, back onto the same path from which they split.
Each of us has a responsibility to the other in protecting ourselves. We are all responsible for extending a helping hand to the needy. Therefore, we have created training programs for young leaders who can carry the torch of peace, freedom, and pluralism to illuminate the future for future generations.

The Youth Programs
In light of coronavirus (COVID-19), our program plan changed from programs on the ground to the Internet, specifically through the Zoom app.
The Youth programs include many different activities based on decades of studies and experience that we have provided to develop ways to understand the other and achieve the principle of coexistence.
We deal in the Holy Land with several religions, sects, and different races. Therefore, we study the various beliefs to reach a point of understanding that brings us together.
In the Holy Land, religion strongly dominates the population’s feelings, which prompts some of the extremist factions cast the veil of faith on the political dispute to inflame it. Through economic support which they obtain from several sources, these extremist groups have spent lavishly on the media to control young people’s minds, especially in conflict zones like the Holy Land. They realized the importance of managing a colossal force such as the youth, whose impact will be on the future.
Usually, the nature of the population of conflict areas is closed to itself, only concerned with its inherited conflict without paying attention to the decline of the moral and intellectual level and the deterioration of the living conditions. The reason this happens is that the extremist ideology deludes young people with misleading facts.
Some young people are victims of this thought. They are victims of the absence of a mentor or the kind of wise leadership whose efforts are poured into creating just, and reassuring living conditions based on differences that do not mean disharmony.
One of the most important programs we offer is to study religious texts with scholars from the different religions to prove that the Divine Message is one. This message says to accept the other even if he or she disagrees with you, and shows that the common points are much broader than what we disagree on. These programs have always led to tremendous results, the most important of which is a complete shift in many young people’s ideas from supporters of violence to advocates for peace.
We pray daily that God will lift this pandemic from the ground to return to our everyday life and our programs on the floor.
Our list is full of effective programs that have the potential to bring about radical change. But we need all kinds of support, especially financial support, to turn the scales, address hate speech and racism, and turn the path of hatred into love and respect. We have the experience and knowledge in dealing with how to deal with and resist hate. We have the tools for change, but we need strong media and material support that would undermine the ranks of terrorists through intellectual resistance and specialized programs.
We are believers in success, and we believe in defending human rights, freedom, peace, and love, and we will not stop. Thank you for your help to those who are supporters of the AR. Be a help to us, for millions of the poor and the vulnerable need our help.