Mar 29, 2023

Livestream on YouTube Link:

… And that’s it! The 2023 Iftar Livestream has closed. We’ll be in touch with all kinds of updates, photos, video, and more in the days and weeks to come.

To Western eyes, this might look like a beautiful, if innocuous, event, a group of people coming together for a night of speeches, dinner, music, discussion, and enjoyment. But to the eyes of the Holy Land, this is a gathering undertaken amidst violence, unrest, protest, and is a risky and symbolic show of determination for the ideals of coexistence, harmony, appreciation of each other, and peace.

The fact that so many in these photos and the Livestream are genuinely happy to be together, and seem comfortable with each other, is testament to the amazing work that the team on the ground has done to create a safe space that has shed, for the night, the barriers that prevent connection across cultures, religions, communities, and the country.

Post-Iftar Interfaith Concert

Iftar Meal

People of all faiths in the Holy Land are breaking bread together now at Hartman, accompanied by beautiful musical performances.

Adhan (Call to Prayer) for the breaking of the fast

Dr. Khalid Abu Ras sings the Adhan

Rabbi Tamar, Sister Milani, and Ghadir Hani

Sister Milani, East Jerusalem Protestant Church

Ghadir Hani, Women Waging Peace, Akko

Rabbanit Tamar Edel-Appelbaum, Zion Community Synagogue, Jerusalem

We Are All Jerusalem

Mr Eyad Abu Shame, from the organization We Are All From Jerusalem, one of the event’s co-sponsors.

Ahmediyya Emir Mohamad Sharif Odeh

Emir Odeh is the leader of the Ahmediyya community in the Holy Land.

Fr. Samuel Fanuz from Ramle brings up Healing

Druze Judge Addresses the Assembly

This is Druze Sheikh Qadi Imad Abu Elreesh, he is a Judge in the Druze Court, who is sharing about the Druze Holiday, Zirayat al-Nabi Shuayb, annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Nabi Shuayb, the Druze faith’s founder. The Judget is speaking and making an appearance on behalf of Sheikh Moafaq Tarif, the Druze Community Leader in the Holy Land. Ziara Maqbula!

David Less, AR US Board Chair, joins and addresses via Zoom

“What is a peacemaker? A peacemakers is 2 things, in their heart, in their soul, in their depth, in their breath, they know that peace is real. That knowledge that peace is real becomes the rock, the base of their being. We can always know that in the midst of all the turmoil, all the chaos, all the hatred, we can always touch the place of peace within ourself, and we can share that. We can breathe that out, even in the middle of violence, we can be the beacon of peace, the seed of peace. We’re given that gift, as human beings.

And what else is a peacemaker? A peacemaker believes – even when the eyes are saying no, it’s not possible, even when the ears are not hearing it, the peacemakers knows that peace is possible, peace is possible, we can have peace.

Each of us needs to go to our depth, to our soul, and listen to the voice of God within each of us that says yes, Peace is Possible, peace is necessary, peace is the future, for if there’s no peace, there’ll be no future.”

Sheikh Ghassan Manasra Addresses the Assembly

Speeches & Blessings Begin

Dr. Khalid Abu Ras opens the speeches, followed by Shalom Hartman President, Donniel Hartman

Dr. Khalid Abu Ras, AR Israeli Board Member and Hartman Institute Fellow

Donniel Hartman, President of Shalom Hartman Institute, welcomes everyone warmly. It’s very touching to hear in his and Dr. Khalid’s speeches the good wishes for all the different holiday celebrations of the different faiths, in Arabic and Hebrew.

Interfaith Musical Collaboration

Arab and Jewish bands collaborating as the room fills up. All three text-study sessions (English, Arabic, and Hebrew) are now collecting together in the presentation room in preparation for speeches and blessings from the keynote speakers.

The Islamic Band is The Band of Saeed Abbassi from the Shazoliah Sufi Order, friends of Abed Manasra and participating in the Iftar last year in Nazareth.

Text Study Session Group 1: English, With Sheikh Ghassan Manasra & Biti Roi

Dear Friends, We have just finished the first session of the Multi-Faith Iftar, the Text Study, a discussion of the story of Joseph between Sheikh Ghassan Manasra (AR International Director) and Biti Roi (Hartman Institute Senior Fellow). A rich discussion of reconciliation, overcoming difficulty, forgiveness, and the symbolism of the story from two different traditions!

Text Study Group 2 – Hebrew with Rabbi Leora Ezrachi Vered

AR Participants and Leaders Arriving at the Hartman Institute

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