To Staunch the Flow of Violence
Written by Mohammed Jamous
As always, in our meetings, we are trying to establish security and stability away from the violence that has filled our country, cities and lands. After the recent, terrible violence that touched our sacred lands, we continue to prove our resolve, by continuing our work for peace in the Holy Land.
Today I met with only the Palestinian youth, with the important task of maintaining our hope through the recent violence, killing and persecution in the Holy Land.
12 young men and women gathered in order to continue making happiness and hope and not to lose that hope.
12 young men and women from Muslim and Christian backgrounds gathered today to tell everyone that we are still here, and we will stay here. We are still on this earth, continuing our meetings for peace at any cost. Because we deserve to be here. And we deserve what we are working for, lives of peace and justice for our futures and for our families in a land where all people are free and safe.
We talked for an hour and a half about how to deal with the recent violence through peaceful means, by bringing young people together through the multi-religious programs that we do monthly.
In fact, I saw the great despair on the faces of the young men, sadness mingled with anger over the recent killings on both sides. But what made me happy is the strength of hope that these young people cling to, and the great energy that tells us all that they will continue. In return for destruction and instability they continue their work in making peace. They continue their work receiving only hope.
What makes me happy and confirms the dedicated interest of this group in working for peace, is that some of them even joined the meeting during the time they were working at their jobs. My God, how great they are!!
For me, meeting them today was very important. What happened in Palestine in the past days of killing and repeated raids caused great agitation in many people’s feelings and generated a lot of violence. For me, it was important to preserve this group and generate more dedication to peace and work against the violence. At the end of the meeting, we decided to meet three times a month, twice via Zoom, and once at my home in Ramallah. We will enlarge this Palestinian group until peace covers the skies of Palestine and extends to the skies of Israel.
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